Enhance Project
Since 2014, thanks to funding from grant making trusts, Enhance has been providing capacity building support for London’s voluntary sector. We provide training and other support for hundreds of community groups each year alongside conferences on the major issues affecting the sector.
Enhance works with partners based at Resource for London to assist Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) organisations plus start up LGBTQ+ and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community groups and many others.
Enhance offers comprehensive package of support helping London’s community groups thrive designed to meet the needs of these organisations:
Capacity building events
Free deskspace
Web based and other resources
Enhance provides targeted support for groups early in their development to ensure that they have the governance, funding and other resources to deliver strong and effective services. There are at least 5,000 small groups providing essential services to local communities across London. Often poorly resourced, they face significant language and other barriers. Ensuring they have a strong voice translates into a positive impact on services including health, social services and education.
Exhibition Space
150,000 people a year come through the doors of Resource for London and we have a number of spaces that can be used for exhibitions of different sizes. These include the downstairs reception and cafe as well as the Exhibition Hall itself on the first floor.
Exhibiton hall
For terms and conditions of hire, please click here.
For our rooms risk assessment , please click here.